Digital Learning Program Development

Unit 5 Projects

Option 1: Develop a School-Wide Professional Learning Plan

Conduct a needs assessment to identify professional learning needs among your staff. This could be a pre-existing tool like the Panorama survey or the DLC survey, could use walkthrough data. You could also develop an instrument or conduct interviews. Your project submission should include the tool used (2 points), a summary of the results (3 points), a plan to address the professional learning needs in your school over the next year (3 points), and a reflection on the process including your major takeaways and next steps (2 points).

Option 2: Develop a face-to-face or hybrid PD module

Create a professional learning module for face-to-face professional learning (this could be a workshop, coaching experience, small-group, or another format). You may include hybrid elements (both virtual and face-to-face) if you choose. The PD module should be developed around a need rooted in data and identified in your write-up (1 points). The module should be as long as necessary, include all necessary elements (PowerPoints, handouts, lesson plans in any format, etc.), should include high quality implementation of adult learning theory and good instructional practice (7 points). Your write-up should also include the your key takeaways from building the activity including any challenges you faced (2 points). If you implement your lesson and include evidence and a reflection in your write-up, you’ll be awarded 2 additional points.

Option 3: Create a coaching action plan

Create a logic model for your work with coaching teachers. Include a timeline, resources needed, who will be involved, and any outputs and outcomes. Your logic model should contain outputs and outcomes for the short term, medium term, and long term (4 points). This plan should be SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound) and should be created in partnership with your school leadership (2 points for submitting evidence of this). Include evidence of this process and revision in your write-up, along with the rationale for the strategies you selected, barriers to implementation and any concerns you have, and your process for moving forward (4 points).

Option 4: Develop a micro-credential stack.

Using one of the Digital Promise Micro-credentials as a template, develop a stack of three micro-credentials based on a professional learning need identified in your school. The document for the stack should include the background and supporting research, at least three questions (typically one definition question, one learning artifact, and one reflection) and rubrics for successful completion of each question (2.5 points per micro-credential). In your write-up (3.5 points), include a reflection on the process of developing these micro-credentials, including the rationale for the stack you selected, difficulties you had creating the credentials, and a potential plan for implementation in your school.

Option 5: Develop a gamified learning experience

Develop a learning experience (virtual, face-to-face, hybrid, informal or self-directed) that leverages at least three gaming elements (i.e. quests, leaderboards, badges, pathways, etc.). The topic should be informed by your school’s learning needs, and your submission should include all of the elements a teacher would need to participate (i.e. instruction sheets, challenges, badges, templates, etc) (7 points). In your write-up, include a reflection on this process, the rationale for your topic, and any challenges you faced (3 points).

Option 6: Develop an online PD module

Develop an online learning experience for teacher professional learning. The experience may be self-paced or instructor-paced, and the topic should be grounded in your school’s professional learning needs. You may use the platform and tools of your choice, however, you should remember to model the tools you would expect teachers in your school to use. The PD module should require about 10 hours of work (since 10 hours = 1 CEU) for the teacher and the module should include all of the instructional materials needed (7 points). All content should be Accessible. In your write-up, include a reflection on this process, the rationale for your topic, and any challenges you faced (3 points).

Option 7: Develop a PD resource hub

Develop an ITF website for the teachers in your school. The website should have 5-7 pages of relevant information for your teachers, including tools and tips aligned with the curriculum and resources available within the school, procedures for requesting support, and coaching support (7 points). The content and platform are up to you. All content should be Accessible. In your write-up, include a reflection on the process, a rationale for the content you included, any challenges you faced, and a plan to implement, maintain, and drive traffic to this site (3 points).

Option 8: Choose Your Own Adventure

If there is another project option that you would like to pursue, please contact me with a pitch.